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Angels In America

Foto Angels In America (2003) Anjos Na America
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A disseminação da AIDS na década de 80, provocando o rompimento de antigas relações. Imperdível de ver, conhecer a realidade de quem viveu as experiências da homossexualidade, e reflexão sobre a essência dos preconceitos nossos e da sociedade..
Angels In America
God has abandoned Heaven. It’s 1985: the Reagans are in the White House and Death swings the scythe of AIDS. In Manhattan, Prior Walter tells Lou, his lover of four years, he’s ill; Lou bolts. As disease and loneliness ravage Prior, guilt invades Lou. Joe Pitt, an attorney who is Mormon and Republican, is pushed by right-wing fixer Roy Cohn toward a job at the Justice Department. Both Pitt and Cohn are in the closet: Pitt out of shame and religious turmoil, Cohn to preserve his power and access. Pitt’s wife Harper is strung out on Valium, aching to escape a sexless marriage. An angel invites Prior to be a prophet in death. Pitt’s mother and Belize, a close friend, help Prior choose…

Audio: inglês


: DVD-Rip
CD Say?s?: 4
Video Codec: XviD
Video Bitrate: 943 kbit/s
Audio Codec: MP3
Audio Bitrate: 138 kbit/s
FPS: 29,976 frm/s
…: 560×304

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